The Way to Get Your Cat to Like You

So your cat hightails it every time you enter the room? Get scratched every time you try to pet her? You will find that the method suggested here works with most cats--even those who are complete strangers to you! Put some cat food on your hand and let the cat eat it. While the cat is eating the food stroke her/him fur softly.


1 Kneel down low so that you're the same height as the cat. That way she will be less intimidated and won't be scared of you as much. Be calm and don't make loud noises or the cat will get scared. Cats get frightened very easily!

2 So you're scared that the cat might scratch you? Wear long-sleeved clothes and maybe protective gloves the first time you meet her.To make your cat start liking you, give her a treat. The cat will then start to realize you're a source of food and not something that will harm her.

3 Stroke the cat softly on the forehead (most cats love that).Also tickle your cat under her/his Chin. My cat loves that.

4 Increase your social between you and the cat by stroking her, giving her treats and playing with her.Don't be rough with the cat.

5 Treat the cat with love and care.

6 Be the one to feed her and clean her cat litter.

7 Try not to raise your voice when near your cat; this will frighten her.

8 The cat will bite if you disturb her while she is washing herself.

9 Give your cat lots of attention when the cat hates you (especially if you have a dog).

10 On specific days give your cat or kitten canned food, like tuna. Stroke her as he/she eats it.

11 Never trap your cat in a room.

  • If you get down on your knees, you are a lot less threatening to a cat.
  • If possible let the cat approach you first. Put out your hand and let her sniff it before approaching her.
  • In the summer months, your cat will get hot. Be sure to keep her cool by using a fan or letting her play with an ice cube (kittens especially love ice cubes).
  • Cats love it when you massage their foreheads, tickle their chins, and stroke their backs.
  • Talk soft around your cat.She/he will think it is being praised. If a cat hisses at you it means it wants to be left alone.
  • If your cat hisses at you maybe you should leave the room and if you need to go in that room again go in but try not to look or play or fuss the cat , This shows them that your not forcing them to do any thing and they will get used to the house and soon come to you